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TEAM – Transfer Equivalencies At Middle

The TEAM Lookup Tool allows students and advisors to see how courses will transfer to MTSU. This is subject to change as course content and offerings change over time. It is important for students to understand that while courses will transfer, they may or may not apply toward your degree so you would want to meet with an advisor for those discussions. If a course does not appear in the list, then an official course equivalency has not been determined yet. Courses and schools will be added to the list as official transcripts are received and evaluated. 

The following list explains the transfer process at MTSU and how to interpret the results from the lookup tool:

  • Some transfer courses may display with a leading 0 or end with 01 because this is how they were listed in our prior student system. If you took ENG 101, it may display as ENG 101 or ENG 0101 or ENG 010101 in the Transfer Course column.  Refer to the course title to confirm it is the same course.
  • This lookup tool may include courses no longer offered at other institutions, but are maintained for equating older transcripts.
  • If you do not find a course you are looking for, that does not mean it will not transfer; it just has not been equated yet.
  • ELLD (ELective Lower Division) indicate there is no direct equivalency and course will transfer as lower-division elective credit.
  • ELUD (ELective Upper Division) indicate there is no direct equivalency and course will transfer as upper-division elective credit.
  • Students will need to work with an advisor to determine how courses that are not currently equated or how ELLD or ELUD courses will apply toward your degree.
  • For schools from which MTSU accepts transfer credit, all courses are posted regardless of grade or relevancy toward degree.
  • All transfer courses are converted to MTSU’s grading scale and repeat policy. Grades of Incomplete or No Credit will be converted to failing grades.  Transfer grades will NOT be calculated in the overall or overall combined GPAs and will be posted with a leading ‘T’ grade.
  • MTSU does not equate credit course by course if a previous bachelor’s degree has been earned.
  • If you are attending a school that is not listed in our TEAM lookup tool, you should check with the Admissions Office to ensure your credits will transfer by emailing [email protected].
  • NOTE: Students who are completing the Tennessee Transfer Pathways should follow the requirements at .

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Murfreesboro, TN 37132