MT Tuition Free
Can you attend MTSU tuition-free?
³Û±ð²õ!&²Ô²ú²õ±è;²Ñ°Õ³§±«â€™s&²Ô²ú²õ±è;traditionally low tuition coupled with the Tennessee Education Lottery (HOPE) Scholarship and the maximum federal Pell Grant, could allow you to attend our world-class university with tuition and fees paid! Any remaining funds could be applied to housing, meal plans, and other expenses. Even students who receive a partial Pell Grant can still attend very inexpensively. In fact, 48% of our students graduate debt-free.
Please note: these scholarship amounts apply beginning Fall 2024 only to first-time freshmen who are Tennessee residents and attend school full-time.
Every student’s situation is different. To help you determine your personalized benefits, our Enrollment Coordinators are available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Click here to talk to an Enrollment Coordinator. Below are a few examples of how this program works.
For Students Starting Fall 2025
Scenario #1: Rachel is undecided on her major with a high school GPA of 3.0 and a 21 on the ACT test. She submitted her application by December 1, 2024. Her family income level allows her to receive the maximum Pell Grant. Her yearly tuition and fees look like this:
Tuition and Fees (15 hours per semester)
Pell Grant (Full)
HOPE Lottery Scholarship
Balance in student account
*Estimates include 2024-25 tuition and Pell rate until new rates determined in July 2025.
Scenario #2: Keith plans to study photography and has a high school GPA of 3.5 and a 22 on the ACT. He submitted his application by December 1, 2024. His family income level allows him to receive the maximum Pell Grant. His yearly tuition and fees look like this:
Tuition and Fees (15 hours per semester)
Pell Grant (Full)
HOPE Lottery Scholarship
True Blue Scholarship
Balance in student account
*Estimates include 2024-25 tuition and Pell rate until new rates determined in July 2025.
Scenario #3: Mary plans to study psychology and has a high school GPA of 3.5 and a 25 on the ACT. She submitted her application by December 1, 2024. Her family income level allows her to receive the maximum Pell Grant. Her yearly tuition and fees look like this:
Tuition and Fees (15 hours per semester)
Pell Grant (Full)
HOPE Lottery Scholarship
Presidential Scholarship
Balance in student account
*Estimates include 2024-25 tuition and Pell rate until new rates determined in July 2025.
Scenario #4: John plans to study Mechatronics and has a high school GPA of 3.5 and a 30 on the ACT. He submitted his application by December 1, 2024. His family income level allows him to receive the maximum Pell Grant. His tuition and fees per year look like this:
Tuition and Fees (15 hours per semester)
Pell Grant (Full)
HOPE Lottery Scholarship
Trustee Scholarship
Balance in student account
*Estimates include 2024-25 tuition and Pell rate until new rates determined in July 2025.
Let’s find out how this will work for you!
We realize that everyone’s situation is a little different. We want to help you find the answers specific to you. Additional scholarships and discounts are available for State Employees, University Employees, Military Dependents, and others. Click below to contact an Enrollment Coordinator at MT One Stop who will personally answer your questions and help you get the most you can in scholarships and savings.